Turning conflicts into bridges
Non-violent communication for children and young people
Many people are horrified and speechless at the increase in violence at schools and many other institutions. M.B. Rosenburg, the father of non-violent communication explains it this way:
»Violence and conflicts arise where people feel their needs are not being met and the communication with other people has broken down. People need not only food and a roof over their heads but just as essentially respect and appreciation.«
In our courses we show young people how to connect with each other and treat each other respectfully. Using practical exercises and specific tips they learn to communicate in a new way and solve their conflicts without violence.
Depending on requirements we offer between 3 and 8 training sessions lasting 1 to 1-1/2 hours either individually or in groups. Dates and times are always discussed personally with children and parents and are also possible at weekends.
Petra Wollny
0173 860 3 960